Effect of Compensation, Competencies and Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment its Implicationson Experts Performance of Construction Services Company in Jambi Province


  • Fakhrul Rozi Yamali


The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the effect of compensation, competencies and organizational culture partially and jointly, on organizational commitment. Then the effect of compensation, competencies, organizational culture and organizational commitment partially and jointly on the performance of experts. The population in this study amounted to 882 experts of construction services companies in Jambi Province. The method used in this research was descriptive survey method and explanatory survey with a sample of 350 respondents deployment after samples collected only 339 valid respondents, and the data analysis method used are SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Based on the research resulth, the findings obtained compensation, organizational culture is partially positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, only competence and not significant positive effect on organizational commitment. But simultaneously positive and significant effect  on organizational commitment. Contributions influences together (R2) by 67% while the balance of 33% is influenced by other variables, and organizational culture partially dominant influence on organizational commitment. Compensation, competencies, organizational culture and organizational commitment partially or jointly positive and significant effect on the performance of experts. Contributions influences together (R2) by 85% while the remaining 15% is influenced by other variables, but organizational commitment partially most dominant influence on the performance of experts.

Keywords: Compensation, Competencies, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, Expert Performance.


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How to Cite

Yamali, F. R. “Effect of Compensation, Competencies and Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment Its Implicationson Experts Performance of Construction Services Company in Jambi Province”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Mar. 2018, https://www.managementjournal.info/index.php/IJAME/article/view/131.