Research Methodologies in Studies on Concentration of American Hospitals


  • Migowski Sergio A
  • Migowski Eliana R
  • Libanio, Claudia de S


The objective of this study is to know which methodologies and databases that were used in articles treat variables, such as efficiency and costs in the hospital segment and their relationship with the concentration of American organizations. The quantitative methodologies used were, by order of preference, the multivariate statistical analysis and the econometric analysis. The most used data basis was the Annual Report of the American Hospital Association (AHA), followed by data made available by insurance companies having long lasting relationships with the hospitals analyzed, besides the specific case studies. Finally, it was observed that the concentration in the sector is reflected in the reduction in competition and efficiency gains, notably in the first year after the fusion, which does not mean that there was reduction in the prices charged by the hospitals.

Keywords: Hospital, Research method, Concentration, Cost.


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How to Cite

Sergio A, M., M. Eliana R, and L. C. de S. “Research Methodologies in Studies on Concentration of American Hospitals”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Jan. 2018,