Debates on Corporate Social Responsibility are Becoming Similar to the Philanthropy


  • Zivko Bergant


The author deals with different definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and discusses their weaknesses that are obstacles to its broader implementation. The main emphasis is placed on the profit that is in practice still recognized as ultimate corporates' goal, despite numerous authors and scholars, which have serious doubt about it. As far as the income statement is not supplemented by the value-added statement in accounting standards, the principles of CSR will not become a part of business world. Until then, all discussions about CSR will remain at the level of philanthropy that diminish the role of employees and individuals, which create value added and contribute to social well-being.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Value added, Value-added law, Stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Bergant, Z. “Debates on Corporate Social Responsibility Are Becoming Similar to the Philanthropy”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Nov. 2020, pp. 13-17,