Industrial Projects Investment Assets


  • Gurau Marian Andrei Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
  • Lucia Violeta Melnic
  • Ruxandra Marin


This article tries to presents a vision of the industrial investment’s assets, method of calculating them based on the spending time of the initial investment and the starting period of the project. So, were considering four indicators that reflect the size and losses due to these assets. Fixed assets are named and long-term assets, assets or real estates, including all of the economic value of the investment which has a utility and liquidity period bigger than a year. In the major industrial projects, due the large terms of building, appears very large financial assets, that are blocked until the starting of the project (after which appear the so-called amortizations). Economic evaluation of projects is an essential operation essential for the activity of investment decisions. All project solutions adopted are accompanied by calculations and technical, economic and financial analysis, for projects implemented to always be the most effective of the following alternatives and capital allocation.

Author Biography

Gurau Marian Andrei, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

Assistant Professor, Phd. Engineer

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Maritime


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How to Cite

Andrei, G. M., L. V. Melnic, and R. Marin. “Industrial Projects Investment Assets”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, July 2022, pp. 01-06,